- The salvation of Israelis – both Jews and Arabs
- Israel General Election 23rd March. Pray that the Lord will give Israel a fully functioning government following the election.
- Messianic leaders/congregations/unity
- The Coronavirus crisis in Israel that the vaccine would be effective
- Poverty – Pray for all those who are struggling to feed their families and pay their rent and other bills as a result of losing their jobs or being laid off on unpaid leave.
- Pray against the rise of Anti-Semitism in whatever form it takes.
- Aliyah.
The Esther Generation: Purim
May we, the Australian family come alongside of Israel in her hour of need.
Key Points from the Book of Esther
This week is Purim, from the evening of the 25th of February until the evening of the 26th of February.
It is an ancient Festival with a modern application.
The Book of Esther (Hebrew: מְגִלַּת אֶסְתֵּר, Megillat Esther), also known in Hebrew as ‘the Scroll’ (Megillah):
God’s name is not mentioned once in these ten chapters, but His workings are evident on every page. He is always at work behind the scenes. Continue reading “The Esther Generation: Purim”
February Prayer Focus
These are our prayer items for February 2021
- The salvation of Israelis – both Jews and Arabs
- Israel’s leaders/Government – March 23rd election (Give Israel a government that will not need to submit to Haredi manipulation to function.)
- Messianic leaders/congregations/unity
- Covid 19 – restrictions lifting, life resuming.
- Pray for all those organisations that are reaching out to the poor and needy at this time.
- Pray that the Palestinian Authority will organise a vaccination program for its people very soon.
- Aliyah, that many Jews would return to the Land
- Ein Yakov our prayer sponsored street in Mea She’arim, Jerusalem
- Ministries supported by Celebrate Israel
V’ahavtah Yisroel (Love Israel)
A blessing prayer for Israel – V’ahavtah Yisroel (Love Israel)
refer: The Awesome Power of Blessing
Papa God thank you that we can come to You and present these requests!
We worship and praise You because You are the Lord God of Israel!
We bless Jerusalem and all the people and land of Israel in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach!
Welcome to Celebrate Israel
Dear Lover of Israel, welcome to Celebrate Israel
This site is to support the Celebrate Israel ministry which is based in Australia for believers that love Israel and pray for Yeshua HaMaschiach to be revealed to all Israeli people.
We meet monthly, once face to face, and once online via Zoom. See the About page for more information.
We support Messianic ministries in the following locations in Israel, with regular donations:
- Haifa / Mt Carmel
- Be’er Sheva
- Kfar Saba (Tel Aviv)
- Jerusalem
- Jezreel Valley