June Prayer Focus

  • The salvation of Israelis – both Jews and Arabs
  • A new government: IFI – During prayer, before Lapid’s announcement, we asked God to show us what He was doing. He said to two of us at the same instant, “I am answering your prayers!” For a government to be quickly formed that will be stable and not compromise with Israel’s enemies. Ps 33:12. Nel is incubating Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; (tohu ve bohu) and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Order out of chaos.
  • Security – Iran & its proxies
  • Security – internal: Biblically, Hamas is an internal threat since Gaza is part of the tribe of Judah’s inheritance (Josh. 15:1, 47).
  • The Body of Messiah: It is distressing to see how many born-again believers do not see the prophetic implications of Israel’s restoration. In fact, many in the Body stand against God’s will as revealed in the Scripture, by standing with the Palestinians’ demand for a state. These believers think they know what “social justice” means more than what God’s Word says.
  • The Iranian regime is playing mind games with most nations.
  • Messianic leaders/congregations/unity
  • Poverty – Olim not the main problem but Arabs, Orthodox and Sephardics, lesser educated in villages are the poor ones in Israel.
  • Pray against the rise of Anti-Semitism/Anti Zionism in whatever form it takes.
  • Aliyah/anti-Semitism: The doors of Israel should be flung wide open to Jews in Exile who find themselves under increasingly violent attacks. Yet there are very disturbing reports of some of Israel’s representatives in the nations who place unnecessary stones of stumbling in the paths of Jews trying to make Aliyah.

How to respond to a crisis situation the ECI way – the power of prayer, education and advocacy

Picture: Tomas Sandell speaking at an Israel rally, a joint initiative with other pro-Israel organisations, Helsinki 16 May 2021.
This article is reposted in full from the European Coalition for Israel via Andrew Lothian.

Many of us are grieving when we see the pictures of the devastation caused by the current conflict between Israel and Hamas which began after the terrorist organisation in Gaza started firing rockets into civilian areas in Israel some ten days ago. But what can we do to help?

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