The festival of Purim commemorates the divinely orchestrated salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” It is celebrated with Megillah readings, gifts of food, charity, feasting, and merriment.
Ref: Chabad
Welcome to one of the happiest holidays on the Jewish calendar – Purim. You may also like to see what I wrote last year where I outlined the highlights of Purim.
This is a time of partying, masquerading, enjoying friends, food and escaping from the troubles that surround.
In this article I wanted to look at Purim from a distinct perspective because it is a Hebrew leap year which contains two months of Adar, Adar I and Adar II
7 Because of your shame, which was doubled,
and because they cried, “They deserve disgrace,”
therefore in their land what they own will be doubled,
and joy forever will be theirs. Isaiah 61:7 CJB
As I was researching for this article and reviewing what I had written last year I came across this phrase which stood out to me.
Purim became the celebration of the salvation of the Jews of Persia during the reign of King Ahasuerus.
Perhaps this year for Father’s Beloved Chosen People will not just be a year of salvation from Israel’s enemies but also a year of salvation whereby many enter into the New Covenant like it says in –
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Double portion
What might a double portion look like these days?
For years now we have been seeing Christians and Jews walking together in partnership which did not happen previously.
We saw Esther and Mordecai working together as family members followed by Esther and King Ahasuerus working together for the salvation of the Jews, again family working together.
The Jews and Esther fasted together, and the Lord broke through for them. Father’s Beloved Chosen people are family through Father Abraham.
It is my desire to also see leaders and congregation members working together as family and leaders of various congregations working together not just for their own communities but for the benefit of the wider community that does not have the same hope that we have.
Through these examples I hope that you can see that a double portion is when we work together – in their land what they own will be doubled. Ref: Isaiah 61:7 We can achieve more together, and we are actually more together as one. Our oneness is of immense value to the Lord and His Kingdom.
Ultimately, we as Yeshua’s Bride, working together with Him to disciple nations bringing in sons and daughters.
The kingdoms of the world are rising against the Kingdom of our God. Some see dark clouds on the horizon, with nations raging like Psalm 2 states but instead of disaster being forecasted, Father God is rising – this is His day, and He is at work bringing nations back to Himself. God is the Shepherd of the Nations bringing His flock home to His heart.
I believe we will still see a healing of nations where the Lord is bringing down principalities and instituting His rule as He draws nations to Himself to be sheep nations.
2 Between the main street and the river was the Tree of Life producing twelve kinds of fruit, a different kind every month; and the leaves of the tree were for healing the nations. Revelation 22:2 CJB
Get ready for blessings!
I had been asking the Lord for a fresh word from Heaven about Purim this year. Then when I received a message from the Holy Spirit, I wrote it down:
“The sceptre is being extended to you in this season. You are in a season of favour, but it is not for your own benefit but to get ready to be a blessing to others.”
I will not recap the story of Esther as you can read more about it in the article I listed above, however, I wanted to mention the key point of Esther coming into her destiny.
14 …Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14 CJB
There are so many examples of deliverers in the Bible and in history. Father God always has His key people prepared.
You let our enemies walk on our heads. We went through fire and flood, but you brought us to a place with good things. Psalm 66:12 NCV
Australia suffered the bushfires of 2019-2020 and now in 2022 floods in Queensland and New South Wales are being called the once in 1,000 flood.
However, I believe the Lord is bringing us through all these tragedies into a place with good things. He will again demonstrate His goodness and I believe many will be drawn to the heart of Father God through Yeshua. My feeling is that the Lord has been testing and purifying individuals in Australia and the nation of Australia for His greater purposes and that the prosperity on this country is not just for ourselves but to be a blessing to other nations around us.
In this new day that the Lord is giving us, He will position each one of His purified children into the position He has prepared for them to be a blessing to many.
What Purim represents to Israel.
This year Purim falls on 16th-17th March and it is a festival of joy, gift giving, indulgences, masquerading, partying, parades, costumes and joy. Primarily, Purim is the national dress-up holiday in Israel – this extends to offices, schools and, well, the entire country.

For Israelis it is a time of joy and a welcome distraction from the difficulties surrounding them.
Intercessors are saying that Purim could be a key time when the Lord brings down Israel’s enemies like we saw with Haman in the Book of Esther, a divine reversal.
What Purim represents to us.
Here in Australia and in many places Covid restrictions are lifting and we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Each of us in the Body of Christ is like Queen Esther, put into a royal position, for such a time as this – to bring solutions to the earth but specifically to the nation of Israel, His Beloved Chosen people.
18 then don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you.
Romans 11:18 CJB
…for salvation is of the Jews. John 4:22b KJV
We as believers are children of Father Abraham. Yeshua came through this lineage to bring us salvation for which we are ever so grateful.
As we look at the Hebrew calendar, which is a combination of lunar and solar, it is balanced by a leap month (Adar1 and Adar II) which we are experiencing this year.
It is good to keep our eyes on Israel and see what the Lord is doing in this season. His people are the apple of His eye and Father is working out His best purposes for them.
How much more will He not give us breakthroughs in our own lives and families because we have a better Covenant with better promises through Yeshua. Ref: Hebrews 8:6
Let us join with Father’s Chosen people and declare “do it again Lord.” He is faithful and will bring us through our current trials.
You let our enemies walk on our heads. We went through fire and flood. But you brought us to a place with good things. Psalm 66:12 ICB
Father God, we thank you for the story of Purim where your name is not mentioned but your work is everywhere to be seen. Let us see with the eyes of our spirit man that You are at work in our lives, in Australia, in the nations of the world. We are not orphans like Queen Esther was an orphan, but you adopted us and made us royal sons and daughters. Please position each one of us for our appointed time to be a blessing to Israel and those in need. We look to you Father to do your inimitable work in this season.
Ba Shem Yeshua (In Jesus’ name) Amen.
Video– 2:31min
This video comes to us from 2014 but it shows the Israeli resilience in the face of trials.
Israelis Celebrate Purim Despite their Enemies